As part of an assignment for my Certificate in Graphic Communication, Nonki-Ya is a concept for a Japanese mini-mart incorporating the best of 7-11 and Don Don Donki for a consumer who wants the best of both worlds.
GULP is an artisanal tea brand with sustainable and efficient packaging.
Kolektif Name Cards
This name card was designed and customised for all 20 members and 4 gallery coordinators of Gallery Kolektif, National Gallery’s youth sector that I was a part of. These name cards were used for Light to Night Festival 2021, and many member still continued to use it around the gallery or for day-to-day purposes after the festival was over.
SAW in 10 Days - Eki Stamp Designs
As part of Singapore Art Week (SAW) 2022, Post Museum Singapore launched SAW in 10 Days- an initiative that encourages people to visit different SAW exhibitions and collect a different ink stamp at each location for their SAW passports. I joined the open call and was selected as 1 of the 10 artists to design the ink stamps for 5 of the SAW locations. These designs are based off 5 different exhibitions that are part of SAW